Dear friends and supporters,
we have left 2024 behind us and welcomed 2025. The time has come once more to weigh our activities, of our various projects in Mundolobela/Livingstone in Zambia.
First of all, we would like to thank you for your regular and constant support, without which we would not have been able to achieve the results obtained in these years of intense work, providing school and training education to many children and young people.
As many of you will remember, we started in 2005/2006, with our friend Maria Mauri, active in volunteering in Zambia, to create a small kindergarten in Mundolobela near Livingstone. This first kindergarten was followed by 3 other kindergartens; some wells, small poultry farms, vegetable gardens and mills for grinding corn. All projects requested by the locals and by the missions of Italian nuns.
In recent years we have given priority to school education and professional training. These are the keys to the future because they encourage entrepreneurship, stimulate creativity and the predisposition to improve oneself and one’s community.
We have concentrated our efforts on building a Secondary School in the village of Mundolobela/Livingstone. The school, consisting of 5 buildings, currently welcomes 350 students. Construction work on a sixth building began a few weeks ago. The first two classrooms should be ready at the end of March this year. We have recently ordered the desks and chairs for these classrooms. In the summer of 2024 we provided solar panels to the school so as not to have to depend on municipal electricity. This was supplied irregularly, causing inconveniences for the regular carrying out of lessons and the functioning of the water well pump.
Another very important project of ours is the KOPUMUNA SKILLS TRAINING professional courses, which began in 2018. Every year we give around a hundred boys and girls the opportunity to follow a free course of their choice between electrician, plumber, tailoring, IT, tourism & catering. More than 500 young people have obtained a diploma so far and the vast majority have found a job within a short time.
Over the next two to three years this project should be able to finance itself.
Thanks to the regular contribution of many supporters and sponsors we have managed to realize the dream of many young people with the desire to study and work.
A “Mission Trip” is planned for some members in May to participate in the inauguration by the Bishop of the Diocese of Livingstone of the two classrooms of the sixth building and to monitor the other works in progress.
We will keep you informed and we hope to find you at our side also for the completion of our projects.
Thank you very much.
Donne Jacaranda