On September 28th, Mundolobela Kopumuna Skills Training Project in Livingstone (supported by Jacaranda Association) graduated thirty students in various skills: Hospitality, Plumbing, Electrical, Computer, Welding and Tailoring.
Thanks to all sponsors and donors for their contributions.



Dear friends and supporters,
we are going through a long period of difficult, unstable times. Up to a few months ago we were forced stay isolated because of the Pandemic. Now because of the war near our home, in the heart of Europe, our certainties are unsure and we are all worried.
Despite everything, however, we continue to take care of those who still need solidarity, of those who live in even more precarious contexts than ours. The war in Ukraine is causing devastating damage in Africa, where rising prices make the already precarious situation even more serious.

We are completing the technical laboratory of the St.Peter’s Secondary School

During a trip to Livingstone in August, a group of German friends handed over to our Secondary School in Mundolobela/Livingstone-Zambia 6 Laptops donated by Germany and 15 tracksuits.



 The construction work of the 5th building of our Secondary School, necessary for an increase by 20% of the receptive capacity from 300 to 350 students, is slowly moving forward according to our financial possibilities. Some Burraco Tournament, the sale of Christmas panettoni and Christmas lotteries in the coming months will give some oxygen. We plan to finish the work by 2023.

Professional courses continue to give excellent results.
We have managed to give a professional diploma to around 450 vulnerable young people from mid-2018 up to today. The majority of them have found employment and a good part have started a business.
From 2023 onward, each year we will reduce our contributions by 25% to make the Vocational Training Centre self-sufficient by 2026, according to forecasts and projects.


We thank all the friends and supporters who have been by our side and we hope to be able to count on your help in the coming years.

Gaby e Donne Jacaranda


Click this link to print or download the report

We have just returned from our “Mission Journey” in Zambia. Please, click the link below to see the report.

Report – May 2022



Thanks for the support!


The Secondary School “ST. PETER’S SECONDARY SCHOOL” in LIVINGSTONE in ZAMBIA is our most important project. In 2016, after 3 years of construction, the school was inaugurated in the presence of the Bishop of the Diocese of Livingstone. The school consists of 4 buildings and houses 200 students.

The Secondary School “St. Peter’s Secondary School” in the outskirts of Livingstone in Zambia is our most important project. Inaugurated in the presence of the Bishop of the Diocese of Livingstone and a representative of the Ministry of Education in 2016 with the first 3 buildings, including the building of all bathrooms and toilets, was completed with a fourth building with classrooms for science and chemistry and computer science for two hundred students. In 2018, the construction of a second water well was necessary as the water supply of the municipal aqueduct was not sufficient to provide water for toilets. In the same period the school area was fenced to prevent the elephants and hippopotamuses of the nearby national park “Mosi-oa-Tunya” from crossing the courtyards. An improvement of the complex not indifferent. In view of the increasing demand for admissions from the young people of the Mundolobela village and the surrounding villages, the School Management has requested the construction of a fifth building with 3 classrooms. This would allow the capacity to be increased by 30%.
We have given our willingness to finance or co-finance the construction in 2021-22 trusting in the support of all of you supporters.


After the construction of the Secondary School we started in February 2018 to organize professional courses for those young people of the village of Mundolobela who do not have the opportunity to enter the High School. Twenty-six young people from the village of Mundolobela were chosen who would hardly have a working future. We started with courses in electrician, plumber and welder and these courses were attended by both girls and boys. We have seen that the KOPUMUNA SKILLS PROJECT DEVOLEPMENTE PROCJECT, from the very beginning, is promising very well.
A second cycle of courses for 40 boys/girls began in January 2019. Tailoring and cooking courses were also included. The offer has widened and since January 2020 an IT course has been introduced and the number of young people who will benefit from these courses has been increased by 50 per cycle.

The demand from young people who would like to attend one of the professional courses offered by the KOPUMUNO SKILLS DEVELOPMENT CENTRE grows from year to year. Our financial resources do not allow us to accept everyone, unfortunately, but gradually the number of participants grows. Currently there are seventy boys/girls who manage to train professionally in one of the courses offered, 70 young people removed from the street : 20 Electricians, 15 Plumbers, 8 Fashion and Design (Tailoring), 20 Hospitality and Tourism with cooking course, 7 Computer Science.
The Ministry for Community Development also recommended introducing a specialization course at the end of the six months of learning to help young people start their own small business.
More than 300 young people have so far taken advantage of the opportunity to train for free with a professional course and a good number of them have opened their own business, with a great benefit for the whole community.
In 2018, thanks to the substantial contribution of a sponsor, a plot of land was purchased to build a building where to conduct all courses.
In the meantime a workshop was built to move part of the courses from the currently rented house. As early as September, half of the courses will take place in the new building.

To add another building to the existing one and to continue financing professional courses we need the help of everyone.